Herbs, Plants, & Flowers

Organic Herb


Basil is used for manifesting wealth, good luck and money matters. It's a popular herb for banishing negative energy, call in success, peace, protection, happiness, purification, tranquility, and love. Basil is used for manifesting wealth, good luck and money matters.

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Organic Flower


This flower helps heal heartache, soothe emotional pain, bring about inner peace, access the spiritual realm, and promote self-love. Rose buds are believed to possess protective qualities and considered powerful aids in manifestation rituals. Their energy can help attract desires into one’s life.

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Organic Herb


This herb has been used not only for its its therapeutic qualities, but spiritual qualities as well. Peppermint is commonly used to manifest money, wealth, abundance, and prosperity. Peppermint is also associated with healing, purification, psychic powers, sleep and love.

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Organic Flower


These flowers are often used to attract spiritual love with self or soulmate. In addition to attracting prosperity and money, Jasmine can be used in dream magic to produce prophetic dreams. Jasmine can bring money and wealth as well as help induce sleep and aid in journeying.

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Organic Flower


Used to aid with sleep and rest, Lavender is also helpful in centering the mind for protection. Lavender is a flower that represents purity, devotion, peace, and calmness. Use to guard against abuse, psychological protection, nightmare protection, and so on.

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Organic Plant


Cinnamon is instantly recognizable with its distinct, warm and spicy fragrance. It is incredibly versatile both in and outside of spiritual settings. Cinnamon is commonly used for abundance and prosperity rituals. Additionally cinnamon is known for its healing and protective qualities.

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Organic Herb

Lemon Balm

Lemon balm improves clear thinking and judgment, especially when faced with crossroads or critical life decisions. Helps calm the mind for those with nervous or mental disorders and, in the same way, can be used for clarity and focus. Perfect for meditation and rituals.

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Organic Herb


Because of its power, Chamomile is a popular ingredient that has been used in rituals and spell casting as well as a healing herb for thousands of years. It is commonly used to promote healing, stress reduction, and peaceful sleep. Chamomile can be used during meditation to relax the mind.

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